Fleet Info
Pirate Related Info
Buccaneer: Fleet Commander. Corsair: Squadron commanders. Pirate: Squadron's Second in command. (Elected from Scalawags "Monthly", with rank of Sea Dog 1st Class Scalawag: Full member and backbone of the Fleet. These Captains are grouped into sub rankings which open access to promotion.
Sea Dog 1st Class
Sea Dog 2nd Class
Sea Dog 3rd Class The above sub ranks are awarded based on fleet involvement & activeness. Brigand: New recruit awaiting full member status.
Awards given to members for various deeds. Samples
![]() The full compliment of the fleet is 16 ships separated into 2, 8 Ships Squadrons. To join The Black Fleet, review our Fleet Charter and place your application on the recruitment board within our Forum.
Rank: Buccaneer Ship: The Lady Scarlet Forum Name: (Capt. William Thorne) Master and Commander of the Fleet and Death Bringer Squadron. Forum Moderator. Honors Earned
Name: Position open Rank: Corsair Ship: Forum Name: Master and Commanders of the Sail Chaser Squadron. Forum Moderator. Honors Earned
Name: Captain Richard Worley Rank: Scalawag Ship: The Short Planks Forum Name: (Cap'n Worley) Captain of the Sail Chasers. Site & Forum Admin. Honors Earned
Rank: Brigand Ship: Forum Name: (lief) Sea Dog 3rd Class Squadron assignment Undecided Honors Earned
Rank: Brigand Ship: Yorkshire Rose Forum Name: (engel) Sea Dog 3rd Class Squadron assignment Undecided Honors Earned
Rank: Brigand Ship: The Dragon Lancer Forum Name: (radicrahl) Sea Dog 3rd Class Squadron assignment Undecided Honors Earned
Rank: Brigand Ship: The Fitz Chivalry Forum Name: (Johnny Farsear) Sea Dog 3rd Class Squadron assignment Undecided Honors Earned
Rank: Brigand Ship: The Fire Dragon Forum Name: (captaindeath) Sea Dog 3rd Class Squadron assignment Undecided Honors Earned